Abacus is a simple tool or a hardware used for performing rapid arithmetic calculations. Calculations based on abacus was invented at ancient times and now widely used a brain development programme. It consists of a rectangular frame holding a number of vertically arranged rods, on which beads slides up and down.One of the most popular calculating method from ancient times. Children do fast calculations in mind by visualizing Abacus bead movements. Researches proves that Abacus learners uses both sides of the brain- left hemisphere & right hemisphere.

Shine Abacus program teaches students the strong fundamentals of mathematics while improving their focus and concentration skill. We introduce students to tackle learning while they manipulate the beads of abacus with their hands to perform math calculation and also we enabling them to perform math calculation in minds without the asistance of a physical abacus.Our syllabus has been designed based on the Mathematics power standard.You are welcome to patent your child’s latent talents with Shine Academy.

Class Timing

  • School Days (Saturday or Sunday) 4.30pm - 6.30pm
  • Summer Camp (Mon to Sat) 11.00Am - 1.00pm or 4.00pm - 6.00pm
  • *Time may differ confirm with the Academy*

The force that makes the winter grow its feathered hexagons of snow and drives the bee to match at home Their calculated honeycomb,Is abacus and rose combinedAn icy sweetness fills my mind, A senses that under thing and wing Lies,taut yet living,coiled,the spring.

-Jacob Bronowski

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